Business Relations

Arguably the most important data when considering a mortgage loan is the value of the property which determines the amount of the loan. The property itself is a security for the bank in case the bank needs to recover his claim on a non performing loan. CHB accepts appraisal reports from the following appraisers. If needed, CHB will commission for a second appraisal.

The following list of names of appraisers is valid only for the current month and is subject to change without prior notice. CHB can not accept appraisal reports older than one month from appraisers who are no longer on this list as per date of the appraisal.

CHB offers brokerage services for life, property and personal accident insurance. We are agents for the following insurance companies:

Coverage by other (international) companies is generally accepted, but is subject to approval by CHB.

The civil law notary is a public official, who has the authority to execute authentic deeds concerning specific legal acts at the request of his clients. A notarial deed has several advantages in comparison with a private deed, i.a. the notarial deed is drawn up by an impartial expert, who will conscientiously attempt to draft the deed in such a way as to prevent legal procedures and that the date, the authenticity and the accuracy of the notarial deed are immediately affirmed. Because of these and other advantages and for the sake of legal security, the law has made a notarial deed mandatory for a number of agreements and legal acts, including the transfer of registered property/immovable property, such as houses, and the establishment and rescind of mortgages.

The following is a list of civil law notary offices:
List Of Civil law notary offices

Domain Affairs (Domeinbeheer)
The Department for Land Management (formerly: Bureau of Domain Affairs) is part of the Infrastructure and Urban Planning Sector of the Ministry of Traffic, Transport and Urban Planning. This government agency is entrusted with all aspects of policy and administration in regard to domain lands, water and immovable property of Curaçao. It designates domain lands to citizens or institutions to be used for housing, commercial and/or industrial, touristic or agricultural purposes.

Curaçao Land Registry Office & Public Registers (Kadaster & Openbare Registers; Hypotheekkantoor)
The objective of this entity is to ensure the legal certainty in legal transactions of immovable property, ships and aircraft, as well as to supply related information to interested persons through the management of the land registry and mortgage system.

FGBK-Fondo di Garantia pa Bibienda Kòrsou
If you live in Curaçao you can obtain 100% financing using Fondo di Garantia pa Bibienda Kòrsou (FGBK). The purpose of FGBK is i.a. to promote ownership of houses, by offering mortgage insurances. This guarantee is set for additional financing up to 100% of the value for the purpose of buying, constructing, reconstructing/expanding/renovating a house, the transfer of a mortgage or the consolidation of other loans. Under this program the lending bank is protected against default risk up to the guaranteed amount. The maximum guarantee is 30% of the loan, up to an amount of ANG 60,000. The premium for this insurance is non recurrent and is paid for by you at the execution of the mortgage deed.

When the occasion arises, CHB will consider and decide whether the loan is extended with a guarantee of FGBK. In case a guarantee of FGBK is accepted, CHB will lend the whole amount of the loan to the borrower which then includes the guarantee of FGBK.

Should CHB need to claim the guarantee in case of default by the borrower, this will be a matter between CHB and FGBK only.

Consistent with our disclaimer you acknowledge that the list and hyperlinks provided above are for informational purposes only and  that any business offering products or services through it is not endorsed by CHB. The use of such hyperlinks is entirely at your own risk and CHB accepts no responsibility or liability for the content, use or availability of such websites. CHB has not verified the truth, accuracy, reasonability, reliability, completeness of any such websites.

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+5999 431-3100

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Schouwburgweg 26, Willemstad, Curaçao     T: +5999 431 3100     E:

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